Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog entry 15

 In the passage " Mom, Dad, Buy The Broccoli" the editorial argues that the Food industry compaines are producing more advistiements on their products that is causing children to buy their food more frequently which is causing obesity among children. Although I agree with this statement but however I think that children do not have control over what they eat therefore parents should be able to buy healthier foods but parents can only afford what they can.

   Parents are the ones who provide the food in the household. A parent has to make sure the their child has food to eat. Parents can only buy what they can afford not every parent can buy the best healthy products especially poor or low income parents who can barely make ends meet sometimes they may be able to buy healthy foods and sometimes their not able to or they buy healthy foods that can contain high calories and starch. Parents can buy whatever they want for their kids since they are the household keepers but parent tend to buy unhealthy food for their kids. Children have to eat whatever their parents make even if its unhealthy. Since parents don't have money the child may be forced to eat food that are unhealthy.

  Parents have to control their childrens eating habits due to certain food conditions. Children may become allergic to certain foods they cannot eat. Some children could be allergic to alot of food so the parents has to make sure their child gets food that their not allergic too. In grocery stores there has been reports on foods that have salmonella. Salmonella is food poisning that develops in certain foods more frequently healthy ones. How are parents supposed to buy healthy food that have food posining in them. Food can become spoiled over time which means its no longer eatable. Some food go spoiled fast such as tomatos. Tomatos can become spoiled in two days or less.

  Food companies have to advertise to keep the business going. They must adertise in order to make profits you can't start a fastfood place and make it into a frachise without advertising your products. Mcdonalds has something called the dollar menu to make their food more affordable. Food industries have to compromise their price range in certain area for example manhattan is an area that is very expensive food industires have to raise their because of the area attractiveness.

  In conclusion parents are in control of what their chidren eat. Children should eat more healthy foods but foods have start to cost more money which prevents parents from buying the right foods. However the food industry companies are more likely to have lower prices on their products. If the cost of healthy foods were less expensive children would eat less junk food.

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