Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blog entry 8

Freedom is not something that most people are going to be inclined towards or be receptive to. I think most people do not desire freedom because it depends on what humans have experienced that may be freedom to them. In the allegory the cave there was people who were chained up in the cave since they were born and one of the prisoners got free and discovered what freedom really is and when he came back to the cave to tell them about what he discovered the other prisoners thought he was crazy. Those prisoners have been in that cave since their childhood they think the cave is freedom the cave is all they know about and the prisoner don't want to leave that freedom that they have. Freedom is based on what humans think is freedom if I lived in a farm all my life my freedom would be the farm I wouldn't know about the city because my freedom was the farm. There's even people who have been abducted since they were kids don't even know it they could have been locked in a room all their life not able to come outside so freedom to them would be the house.

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